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  • Nicole Downing

Make Relationship Building your Priority!

As I am building my business, I have realized the value of my network. The size and quality of one’s network is dependent upon that person. In the events industry, having a quality network can mean it’s someone who can connect you to a vendor who can make or break your event. It can also mean being connected to someone who can provide insights on a technical skill that you have yet to experience.

For whichever reason, we all must be reminded to continuously build our relationships. The best way to do that is face-to-face. We all have busy schedules, but if you make it one of your priorities to reconnect with someone from your network on a weekly basis, it will be an invaluable resource – I promise you!

Take three minutes to reach out to someone to schedule time to meet over coffee, lunch, etc. to catch up on what they are doing. Be prepared to share some key points of things going on in your life. Something you say might be something they have been meaning to do or learn more about.

Lastly, always say thank you afterwards! This is a key item that many people forget- whether intentionally or not.

Get out there and build your relationships! Remember that you can’t do everything by yourself.

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